While many aspects of the healthcare system are rapidly growing and improving, many patients in marginalized parts of the population still face inequities in their care. This has become even more evident in the current health crisis. By standardizing the collection of medical data, healthcare providers will be able to provide equal and efficient care for all patients.

healthcare data - electronic health record transcription

Standardizing EHR’s

Many different levels of the healthcare system play a role in the process of standardizing electronic health records(EHR). Higher administrations must choose to invest in the technology and resources needed to collect all the necessary data, healthcare providers must be consistent in using the collected data to equalize treatments of their patients, and medical transcription services must be committed to standardized and accurate reporting.

Because they are in charge of budgeting and spending, upper-level hospital management is able to begin to implement changes in data collection. They then rely on the individual providers to utilize and consult the EHR as well as inputting the data they receive from each patient. They will use this to fill in gaps or correct any previous information gathered from previous providers. By maintaining standardized records, in future appointments patients will not have to answer questions they have already been asked and the provider can immediately have access to data from previous appointments. The importance of making the records standardized across the board also makes the transition to and from different healthcare providers much easier on patients and healthcare providers.

Start with the ground level of the data collection process

Other key players in this are medical transcription services. If given the parameters, these services can implement these changes on the ground level of the data collection process allowing providers to proceed with ease with each new patient. A good, professional medical transcription service will ensure that providers have clear and accurate data to refer to when treating patients.

If healthcare systems and providers want to provide equal care and treatment for all patients of all gender, sexual, and racial identities, they must be willing to commit to implementing these changes. Allowing the patients to only have to provide personal identifying information once can help them receive the best care possible even from different healthcare systems and practices. It is not only important for providers to report their data and disclose any disparities they find, but it is also necessary for providers to commit to consulting that data in their treatment of each of their patients.

The accuracy and accessibility of medical data is more important than ever in the current health crisis. Too often, members of marginalized populations experience inequities in their medical care. That is why it is imperative that each level of healthcare systems strive for standardization of data collection, from administrations to providers and transcription services. All of these must work together to equalize data collection and help each patient receive the care they need and deserve.